Welcome to the Home Page of


Description: This utility is a simple CGI-Perl script (program).
It allows you to make a bar graph of your data.
It is easy to use and has a simple output.
You can run this program right now over the web
you do not have to download this program to use it!
Here is a sample of what the finished product looks like.

Instructions: You can just use the built in instructions,
              read these simple instructions first (recommended),
        or   get all the details.
FAQ: This list of frequently asked questions includes information on:
using the program,
permissions, correcting errors, known problems
linking to this site, etc.
If you have a question that is not listed here, please let us know.
Miscellaneous: Legal
Known bugs
Contact us
Add a Link

Makegraf Initial Form

First you have to type in the number of name-value pairs you want to graph.

For example this sample graph has five name-value pairs

Next, type in a title for your graph.
(Don't include the word "graph" it is added by the program.)

Enter a 6 character non word string (such as xytrgf).
(This insures a unique script version to avoid conflicts with other users.)

This is the smallprint: By pressing the "Let's Start" button you certify that you have read and agree with this legal satement

Detailed Instructions

Initial Form

	1. Determine the number of items that you want to graph,
		Enter that number in the first field of the form.

	2. Choose a name for your graph. Do not include the word, "graph", 
		as it is added automatically by the program.

	3. Enter a six character string that is not a word. We suggest 
		that you,enter something like jt5n3c. This random string 
		provides a unique file name for you in order to avoid 
		conflicts with other users who might be using the program 
		at the same time. If you enter a string of less than six 
		characters the program will still run. If you enter
		something simple like "graph" or "123456" you run the risk 
		of conflicts with other users.

	4. When you press the "Let's Start" button you will be taken to 
		the "graph forms page".

Graph Forms Page

	1. If this is your first attempt to make a graph ignore the
		"correction" button". If you hit it by mistake that
		should not be a problem.

	2. Fill in one name and one value for each pair of fields.

	3. The numbers should be entered in decimal form.

	4. By leaving every other pair of fields blank you can increase 
		horizontal spacing on the graph, but of course you have 
		to plan for this in advance.	
	5. When you are done press the "Graph It" button.

Graph Page

	1. Use your browser's print function to print the graph.

	2. To save it use your browser's "save as" function and also
		place a copy of 1pix-red.gif in the same directory.
		1pix-red.gif is a very small image, you might think it's 
		not there when you click on the link above, because it is 
		so small.

	1. If you find that you need to correct your data after having
		made the graph. Press your browser's "back" button.

	2. Press the "correction" button. This is necessary in order to 
		regenerate the program which draws the graph. This program
		is deleted each time the graph is drawn in order to prevent 
		clutter on the server. If you try to redraw the graph
		without pressing the "correction" button you will get
		a "file not found" error.

	Note 1:	When you press the "correction" button, instead of being 
		a good browser and doing nothing, some browsers will tell 
		you that they are doing nothing (which of course isn't true
		since they *are* telling you something).
		If this happens just press your "back" button and procede.

	Note 2: You may find that your data is missing when you return to 
		the forms page from the graphs page. If so you will have to
		reenter your data. You may be able to avoid this by
		finding your browser's options or preferences and then
		locating cache or temporary files (possibly in the advanced
		area) and then choosing never for comparing temporary files.

	3. Make the changes in your data.

	4. Press the "Graph It" button again.

	5. If that doesn't work, try again, this time waiting longer between
		pressing the "correction" and "Graph It" buttons. Your 
		browser should actually stop the loading animation before 
		you press the "Graph It" button.

Simple Instructions

Initial Form
  Follow the instructions on the first page also called the "initial form".
When you press the "Let's Start" button you will be taken to the "graph forms page".
Graph Forms Page
  Ignore the "correction" button for now and enter your data into the forms.
The numbers should be entered in decimal form.
When you are done press the "Graph It" button.
Graph Page
  Use your browser to print or save the graph. If you save it also save a copy of 1pix-red.gif in the same directory. 1pix-red.gif is a very small image, you might think it's not there when you click on the link above, because it is so small.
  If you goofed and need to make a correction, use your back button to return to the forms page then press the correction button. (When you do your browser may give you a silly message, just ignore it and return to the forms page.) If your data is gone you will have to re-enter it.
If not, make the changes in your data.
Press the "Graph It" button again.

For more see the detailed instructions.



Do I have permission to use the graphs?
Can I link to the makegraf.pl page from my web site?
Is it possible to change the horizontal spacing between the items on the graph?
Is it possible to to convert the graph to a vertical bar graph?
Why am I having so much trouble with corrections?
Will you be designing a better interface for corrections?

Questions and Answers

Do I have permission to use the graphs?
The output of this program is yours. There are no restrictions on the use of the graphs made by this script.
Can I link to the makegraf.pl page from my web site?
Sure. Why not also add a link to theaction scripts page. Here's how.
Is it possible to change the horizontal spacing between the items on the graph?
Yes. If you plan ahead and allow for extra name-value pairs on the initial form. You can then leave blank fields between your data and increase the horizontal separation.
Is it possible to to convert the graph to a vertical bar graph?
Print the graph. Place the printed page on the desk in front of you. Rotate the paper 90° counterclockwise. :-)
Why am I having so much trouble with corrections?
The Graph Forms Page is custom generated by a script. What happens when you attempt to back up to it depends on your browser and how the cache preferences (options) are set. Read the detailed instructions on this. You may have to restart your browser after making any changes.
Another problem occurs when some browsers advise you that there is no target when you press the "correction button". Just ignore this message, return to the forms page, and proceed.
Will you be designing a better interface for corrections?

Known Bugs

  1. So far only the problems with the corrections.

    Please let us know. if you encounter a problem that is not listed here.


    Our lawyer's make us say this:
    By using this software you agree to indemnify Jim Sauer and Global Action Internet Services from any liability that may arise from its use. Jim Sauer and Global Action Internet Services are in no way liable for any damages whatsoever that you may incur while using this software. This software comes strictly "as is" and is without any warrantee of any kind. Specifically, the warranties for merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed.
    You use this software strictly at your own risk.
    Your use of this software indicates that you agree to all of the above without any restrictions or reservations.


    E-Mail Comments
    Send us your comments and suggestions.


    E-Mail Address:


    To add a link to this page place the following code on your page:

    <a href=http://theaction.com/scripts/makegraf/mg.html> makegraf.pl Home Page</a>

    To add a link to theaction scripts page place the following code on your page:

    <a href=http://theaction.com/scripts/> theAction Scripts</a>

    Check back soon we expect to have some icons for these links in the near future.
    If you would like to be notified when they are ready let us know.
    The Scripts